Information for Conference Participants
Please register early to avoid queues. Registration is open on 23 October from 14:00 to 19:00. It is also open from 07:45 until 18:00 on 24 to 26 October. The peak registration time is expected to be between 08:00 and 09:00 on Wednesday, 24 October. If possible, please avoid registering during this time.
Conference Venues
The conference will take place in two venues:
1. From 24 to 25 October at the Hofburg Redoutensäle, Josefsplatz, 1010 Vienna. (see Hofburg Location map). The closest underground stations are: Herrengasse (U3). Karlsplatz (U1, U2, U4) and Stephansplatz (U1, U3).
2. On 26 October at the Laxenburg Conference Center, Schlossplatz 1, 2361 Laxenburg. (see Laxenburg map). Conferences buses are available to pick up participants from Vienna (next to the Albertina at 08:00 on 26 October - see Hofburg Location map).
Please send the final version of your presentation by 22 October to Pat Wagner ([email protected]) and/or Alexandra Mally ([email protected]). This will give us enough time to make sure that it is compatible with the IT system at the Hofburg and Laxenburg—this is especially important if you are using video or audio files. If you update your presentation after sending it to us; please give it, on a USB stick, to the IIASA conference staff member in the conference office during the break before you speak. Maps in your Conference Information Booklet (which you will receive upon registering) will show the location of the conference offices. IIASA conference staff can be identified by their orange badge.
Poster Presenters
Set up time to display your poster is on Tuesday, 23 October, from 14:00 to 19:00 at the Hofburg. After registering, please proceed to the poster desk, where you will be allocated a number and provided with fixing material to display your poster on the appropriately numbered poster board. Poster presenters are requested to stand next to their posters every lunch break after having had a quick lunch. To ensure posters are displayed at both venues, the organizers ask poster presenters to take down their posters after 16:00 on Thursday, 25 October, and bring it to Laxenburg on the third day by 10:00. If poster presenters are not attending the third day please take down the poster and leave it at the poster desk in the Hofburg on Thursday evening. Here too, the same allocated number applies and fixing material will be available to display the poster at the Laxenburg venue.
A cloakroom will be provided at the Hofburg and Laxenburg for delegates' coats/luggage. Please be aware that items cannot be left overnight, as the facility will not be staffed at this time and will therefore not be secure.
The cloakroom will be open from 08:00 to 18:00.
Conference Evening Events
23 October: Pre-conference Gala Dinner
If you have registered for the dinner, you will receive your invitation shortly. Please bring the invitation and conference badge or other suitable identification to gain admittance. The venue is the Hofburg Festaal, Heldenplatz, Vienna (see Hofburg Location Map), located next door to the main conference venue.
24 October: Cocktail Reception at the Festsaal, Rathaus
If you have registered for this event, you will receive your invitation and directions together with your registration pack at the Conference registration.
25 October: Lecture at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
The first in a series of public lectures organized jointly by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and IIASA. For more information and to register.
Austrian Winter Time
Please note clocks in Austria are moved back one hour on Sunday 28 October from 03:00 to 02:00. |